Let’s be real… There are times when I don’t know what to do – don’t even know what to think! There is so much that I can’t control, what I “didn’t ask for” or what is “uncomfortable”, to say the least. Times where, while taking time to cry out to the Lord in prayer, I am finding myself repeating over and over, “Lord, I don’t know how to help. I don’t know what to say. Help me. It is just so much."
While not everything is affecting me personally, (in fact, much of the weight that my heart feels has nothing to do with me in my little sphere), and still, in the mix of what I see, hear, feel, and my experiences – I am sometimes at a loss – to the point of being overwhelmed.
This is not “depression”, it is not experiencing a loss of Hope; nor am I struggling with a deep spiritual questioning of who God is… I am just to a point of being at the end of myself, crying out, “ Lord, I can't do anything here. I am at a loss. Please help me.”
The Truth is that in these difficult times, that is exactly where the Lord wants me… to be leaning on His strength, not mine. There is a scripture that I often go to during these times, found in the book of Isaiah. Isaiah was a prophet in troubled times, who spoke God’s words of comfort and promise in the midst of destruction, where comfort and promises were most needed.

“For I am the Lord your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.” ~ Isaiah 41:13
This picture, painted through scripture, encourages me to pause, to remember that The Lord, my God, is with me, and He is not just beside me, He is holding me, gently guiding me, and being always, so faithful.
(Side Note: Rather than walking out this promise with the Lord, I do have the alternate choice to be impatient, to struggle or throw a fit like a two- year-old not getting their way – though even in this, my choice doesn’t change the very character of God – it just delays the outcome (not recommended).)
Bottom line: I know that I am not the answer to everyone or every situation. I KNOW that I am not the one that needs to figure everything out. I KNOW that I can’t move mountains – but I also KNOW who CAN!
During these past weeks, both in my sphere and beyond, I am choosing to see, accept, and be thankful for, His love, leading and healing; surrendering all and moving forward as He guides.
He is an amazing Father. Always.
I hope that this encourages you today, whatever you are facing. If you have read this and are struggling with a heavy or hurting heart, please feel free to reach out through direct messaging. I would love to join you in prayer. You are Loved.
In His Grip,
~ Jenni